Monday, March 8, 2010

Time moves on

Well, I am 34 weeks, and feeling better than I was last week. The baby turned, so he is no longer like a spare tire around my mid-section. I now have a waist. I didn't realize how difficult it was to breathe until Saturday morning when I woke up and Spencer noticed the baby had turned. I had more energy and could breathe, and didn't have to waddle quite so much.

I don't know about any of you other mothers out there, but Nathaniel is having sleep issues. He often thinks that 2:30 am is a good time to wake up and play. He won't go back to bed, at least not in his own bed. Sometimes I have to sit with him on the couch with a movie on, and other times, when i am very desparate, he sleeps between Spencer and me. That is the worst. The smallest person in the bed gets the most room, and we get feet and a head in our ribs, back, face, or anywhere else he decides to hit. I have been much better at not letting him sleep in our bed, but when it is 3 am, and I have been trying to put him back to bed for an hour and a half already, I just want some sleep. I am beginning to think he doesn't like to be alone in his room. If only he knew that in a month or so, he will have a roommate, he might just change his mind.

A few weeks ago, Kayla had a very heavy object dropped on her toe. That was very traumatic for her. Her toe got swollen, and now the toenail is blue. She was in bed that entire day, putting her foot up, and wimpering. She now just says that her toenail is going to fall off, but a new one will grow in. She is such a trooper. She is one tough cookie. I can hardly believe how big she is getting . She is still my little princess, and sometimes a teenager, too. She knows how to give attitude, and put her hand on her hips and stomp her foot when she isn't getting her way, but she is also so sweet, giving hugs and telling you she loves you so much.

Both our kids have been learning and growing so much. They both love nursery and going to play at the kidsplace at the gym. We are very excited to add to our family. We are so curious as to what this new little baby will look like. We already have a stacy mini and a spencer mini. Only time will tell.


BECKY said...

You're getting closer and closer! You should post a belly pic!

Stacy Lynn Carroll said...

I remember when Kalianna was horizontal. Ouch! So glad you can breathe again!

Stacy Lynn Carroll said...

Kalianna has taken to waking up in the night too, she gets separation anxiety at night. Everything I have found/everyone I have talked to says don't pick them up and don't let them leave their room. Though I know its the easiest answer sometimes when you're tired! But sometimes you just gotta let them sit in their room and cry